Thursday, October 2, 2014

" that..."

People today are driven by purpose.  We want to feel important and significant.  We want to know that what we do matters.  We don't want to feel used or taken for granted.  We don't like to do things for no reason.  On the job, in our homes, and in our social groups, we like to feel like we have a purpose.

Not too long ago,  I preached through the entire book of Ephesians.  The book of Ephesians uses a phrase that I think is often overlooked; the phrase " that...".  Paul makes statements of truth and ties them to statements of purpose with this phrase.  It is used 6 different times throughout the book.  Because we are people driven by purpose, wanting to feel needed and important, I think we can look at this phrase and gain some idea of our purpose in Christ.

One of the things that burdens me in the church today is the fact that people don't realize their purpose or function in the body.  Ephesians 4 reminds us that there is one body.  Romans 12 tells us that we are all members of that body, each with different functions.  For the body of Christ to function Biblically, each of it's members have to be fulfilling their function properly.  I think in the church today we have too many members simply being a part of the church to see what they can get out of it rather than seeking to fulfill their purpose in the body.

In Ephesians we see this phrase, " that...", giving purpose to what Christ has done.  In the first chapter, verses 11-12 say, "In Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of His glory."  We have been predestined according to His purpose, to the praise of His glory!  Our purpose in living for Christ is simply to bring Him glory.  People in the church today get so bent out of shape when doing things and not getting recognized.  They serve and do things for their own glory rather than for His glory.  We need to realize that serving Him may not come with glory and recognition.  However, if God has impressed on your heart to serve in a certain area and called you fulfill your function in a specific way, you are to serve and minister in that capacity to the best of your ability...for Him!  He recognizes what you do whether people do or not.  Who are we really wanting to serve?  Jesus or people?

Chapter 2 of Ephesians begins by telling us who we are in our own nature before Christ (dead in our trespasses and sins, sons of disobedience, and children or wrath).  Verse 4 picks up and begins with "But God..." (one of my favorite phrases in scripture), and tells us what Christ has done for us and who we are in Christ.  Verse 6 says that He "...raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages He might show the immeasurable riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus."  In chapter 3 verses 9 and 10, Paul writes, " bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for the ages in God who created all things, so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places."  God's plan is to show Jesus' love for the world through the church.  When we get so hung up on ourselves, what we want in the church or the service, what ministries we want to see, we get upset with other people in the church when our desires are not met. We will never be able to function properly and show the world the love of Christ in this way.  Ephesians 2:2b-3a says we are to "...bear with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit...".  When we get mad at other people in the church (or leave the church) over not seeing our desires met, we are not bearing with one another in love and maintaining the unity of the body.

We have a purpose.  Christ has called us to Himself, adopted us as His children, and promised us an inheritance.  He requires us to live for Him.  We are to serve Him by being a part of a local church, serving in the body, and bearing with those around us in love.  Will it be easy?  No, not all of the time.  Will you be recognized and praised?  Maybe, maybe not.  But the church is not here to please and appease you.  The church is the bride of Christ.  A bride is committed through the good and the bad.  A bride is to be cherished and protected.  A bride is loved by her groom and loves her groom with all her heart.  I heard one of my favorite preachers say that too often we treat the church like a harlot or prostitute rather than a bride.  We come to her when it's convenient for us, use her for what we want to get out of her, and then forget about her until we need or want something again.  This is not what the church is designed for.  

Church, we have a purpose.  And it's not your purpose.  It's not your desires or wants.  It's not what you think is right or wrong.  We are called into the family of God, through the blood of Jesus Christ, SO THAT we can serve Him, love Him, and worship Him together as a family.  So I ask wherever you are, whatever church you are a part of, put your desires and wants aside. Put your own glory and need for praise and recognition aside.  Let's just serve Him together as one body, SO THAT the world will see the love of a Savior.  Let's be Jesus.